What is the advantage of Individual Training over a Board and Train?


What is the advantage of Individual Training over a Board and Train? As a trainer I can train your dog to do about anything, but without training you to work with your dog will those results last?

We used to do a ton of Board and Train, but have now moved to Individual Training. Why? Over the years we have seen the results that have come with working one on one with a client and their dogs. Most owners lack the confidence and knowledge to handle the issues they are having with their dogs. Individual training gives you the practice to run through the scenarios you are having difficulty with with the trainer there to instruct and help you.

You are the one that lives with your dog and you are the one that needs to build that relationship together. Also you have many weeks of contact with a trainer to guide and answer all your questions that come up. We are also open to instructing other family members and children to work with their best friend!

Your success is our success, just check out our clients reviews, we get results!